Print based visual materials (Posters and Flashcards)

Posters and flashcards are supplementary materials for audio and textbook based teaching and learning. They are used to promote communicative practices by serving as prompts to develop speaking and analytical skills. If used in an integrated manner, they create an ideal context for reinforcing learning, while catering towards different learning styles and abilities.

Posters are based on the audio stories and are often used to introduce the story to the students before playing the audio. It also helps to introduce and elicit the vocabulary of a specific lesson. Moreover, it enhances students’ speaking skills through discussions based on the poster. The posters are designed for use in more than one lesson. The sets of posters also include two different types of alphabet charts.

Flash Cards are used to initiate language practice through activities that extract words, numbers, spellings and pronunciations from the pictures. The cards can be used in different ways in different lessons, encouraging teachers to be creative.

Flashcards Samples


Posters Samples



English in Action programme is a UK Government
funded programme implemented by the
Government of Bangladesh and managed by
Cambridge Education, a member of Mott MacDonald.